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** ——— **
*** About This Folder ***
The Services folder contains “connect” files which contain descriptions needed to connect to a service. When you create new service connect files by choosing the Create command, ProTERM adds the new connect file to this (Services) folder, and lists the name alphabetically in the Connect menu.
A service description file is created by choosing Create… from the Connect menu.
The InTrec dialer is set up as an example to call the InTrec BBS in Phoenix, Arizona. This may be long distance toll call from your dialing location. The macro will log you in to the point where you are asked to enter your name to open an account. Other than possible phone tolls, there is no charge for contacting the InTrec BBS.
Other connect service file example descriptions are in Services folder and also in the Extras folder.
Also see the file “Tips & Get Started” in the Help menu.
Files in this folder:
InTrec BBS Call the InTrec BBS
{Direct Connect} Use for direct connect to other computers
{Modem Tester} Test modem to determine which modem you should use.
{Practice} See what its like to go online without making a call.
{Quick Connect} Connect to a service not to be called again.
{Telnet} Use for Telnet experiments
** Modem Tester **
Modem Tester is used to determine what kind of modem you should select within the ProTERM Configure command to support your modem. If you have trouble determining which modem to select, select “Modem Tester” file from the Connect menu. Modem Tester will communicate with your modem for about 45 seconds and send a series of “tests” to determine a compatible ProTERM modem driver.
Let us know how ProTERM works for you.
InTrec Software, Inc. Sales ___________________ Tech ______
3035 E Topaz Circle 1888/PROTERM tollfree USA Voc:602/992-1345
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423 602/992-5515 outside USA BBS:602/992-9789